Golden West NRW
A proven elite sire with exceptional mechanics, elasticity and swing

2 Day HLP (Stallion Performance Test) Germany
Overall Score

Cremello Imported German Riding Pony
DOB - 12th June, 2011
Height - 147 cms - 14.1 7/8hh without shoes
Negative for CA & WFFS
Sire - HET Golden Dream
Dam Sire - FS Golden Moonlight
Breeder - Bianca Weidner, Germany
Owner - Melissa Rose Mulchahey in partnership with Kristy Renae Jarvis
Germany - DE 441410705211
Fully licensed for Westphalia with Elite Title
Approved for Rheinland
Registered with the Australian Sports Pony Registry Inc. Reg. No. 10543 (Elite)
Welsh Pony & Cob Society Reg. No PWS 2552
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In pony sport in Germany and the USA this pony needs no introduction with his excellent record of performance.
Despite his youth, he has not only proven himself in young horse classes but has all the makings in his training to be a super FEI sports pony.
Golden West was the Reserve Champion of Westphalia at 3 years old and was the Gold Medallist at the prestigious National Young Horse Championships, the Bundeschampionate as a 3 year old. Continuing his success Golden West was the Bundeschampion Gold Medallist once again as a 4 year old. There was no denying that he deserved the Gold Medal after scoring 9.5 trot, 9 canter, 9 walk, 10 and 9.5 from the guest riders.
Golden West proved his excellent rideability and character as he continued to stay in the top sports rankings with young rider, Julia Rohmann. In 2016, he was awarded the Bronze Medal for 5 year olds at the WBFSH World Championships for Young Dressage Ponies. He then gained a Silver Medal at the Bundeschampionate as a 5 yo.
Standing at stud for a season in California, USA, Golden West was the US Pony Cup National Champion at L (Elementary), M (Medium) and S (Advanced) levels.
He is the only pony outside of Germany to hold a prestigious NRW title from Westphalia.
Golden West's first crop of foals exceeded all expectations being beautiful in type and inheriting the movement mechanics, incredible dynamics and freedom of shoulder from their father. Many of his foals won with the highest scores at foal shows and qualified for the Federal Foal Championships in Lienen. One of his foals placed in the Top 10 at Lienen in 2018 with an end score of 89.17.
He is the sire of 21 licensed sons and 6 State Premium daughters, including: Genesis BL (Pony Hannover Licensing Champion 2019), Gabalier (Westfalen Licensing Champion 2018), Global Champion WE (2nd Reserve Champion Weser Ems Licensing 2018 & HLP Champion score of 8.7), Golden Soul (Reserve Champion Westfalen Licensing 2017).
Golden West's licensed son Grundleinshofs Gipfelsturmer was the Bundeschampionate Gold Medallist for 3 yo stallions in 2021 and sire of two Silver Medallists in Genesis BL in the 5 yo Dressage Pony and Golden Girl's Nelly in the 5 & 6 yo Eventing Pony Final. Golden West's daughter HBS Golden Mylight NRW was the Bundeschampionate Gold Medal winner in 2018 for 3 yo mares/geldings and the Bronze Medal winner in 2019 for 4 yo's. His licensed son Genesis B was the Silver Medal winner for 3 yo stallions in 2019 and his gelding son, Gluckskeks was the Gold Medal winner for 3 yo mares/geldings. This proves his status as a super pony sire.
Golden West stamps his foals with his superior swing and elasticity, excellent top lines, medium bone and true pony heads! Golden West increases the uphill tendency and creates an elegant type of foals with all the true pony traits one desires.
Elite stallion - Only pony outside of Germany to carry the NRW status awarded by Westphalia
Reserve Champion Licensing Westphalia
Reserve Champion 2014 Westfalen Woche
Champion 2015 Westfalen Woche (with score of 9)
Reserve Champion 2016 Westfalen Woche
Champion of 2 day HLP stallion test (8.89)
Bundeschampionate Gold Medal - 3 yo
Bundeschampionate Gold Medal - 4 yo
WPFSH World Championships for Young Dressage Ponies - Bronze Medal - 5 yo
Bundeschampionate Silver Medal - 6 yo
2019 Bundeschampionate - Progeny won one Gold, one Silver and One Bronze.
2020 Bundeschampionate - Progeny won two Bronze
2021 Bundeschampionate - Progeny won one Gold and two Silver (one in Eventing Ponies)
Number 1 in 2021 for Dressage and Young Pony progeny results with the German National Federation (FN)
United States
US National Champion at Elementary Level
US National Champion at Medium (3rd Level) with average scores of 81%
US National Champion at Advanced (4th Level) with average scores of 79%
Wins and Championships at Medium Level
Eurodressage article
Golden West receives NRW status and moves to Australia

Sire -
Golden West shares the same sire as Dynamik’s Golden Rock, HET Golden Dream needs no introduction in the world of top class sports ponies having produced multiple licensed sons, State Premium mares and top sports ponies.
HET Golden Dream was premium stallion of his licensing in Westphalia and later won, (despite his size of barely 14 hands), his stallion performance test and the NRW-Stallion Championships of 2005. In the same year, he won eight times in young horses and conformation classes under saddle. Three of these classes were against Warmbloods. He has also had many wins at Elementary level and was the 2005 Stallion Licensing test winner in Munster-Handorf.
Golden West's full sister, Golden Daydream FH, completed her mare exam with a grade of 8.2 and was the 2011 Champion mare. At the Westphalian Week she won the Bronze Medal and became Bundeschampionesse in the same year. She was sold in 2011 through the Elite auction for 90,000 €.
Another full sister St.Pr.St. Desert Rose was also awarded the state premium title and Endringstute at the Elite Mare Show in 2013. She finished her mare performance test with a final score of 8.4. Basic gaits and free jumping were each rated 8.0 and for rideability she scored 9.0 from the judges and the foreign rider . She qualified for the Bundeschampionate for 3 yo's.

Dam -
The quality of Golden West is no coincidence as he is born from an absolutely secure and proven dam line.
The dam of Golden West is Verb.Pr. Mare Golden Maybe. She is half-sister to the licensed stallions Gandalf and A Gorgeous.
With Golden Dime she presented Golden West's licensed half-brother and incumbent Westfalen Champion Diamond Touch, who also won the Silver Medal at the Bundeschampionate in 2015 & 2016.
Golden Maybe's dam St.Pr.St. Gina was bred by Hesselteich Stud and was successful in many end rings in mare shows all over Aachen as well as a Champion mare for Westphalia. Gina's sire Going East was a hugely successful international level pony with success at many CDI's on the European circuit with various young riders.
Her sire, FS Golden Moonlight has been a sire of great influence in the development of GRP sports ponies, producing many licensed sons and State Premium mares. His progeny have had major success in top competitions.