Don Philino WE
A truly versatile stallion with a talent for the FEI Tour

Frozen semen no longer available

Liver Chestnut Imported German Riding Pony (deceased)
DOB - 5th of April 2002
Height - 150cm - 14.3 1/8 hh without shoes
Sire - Dressman I
Dam Sire - Luxor
Breeder - Beate Wedermann, Germany
Fully Licensed for Weser-Ems with a Premium Title HLP 8.77
Approved for Hannover, Westphalia. DE435350257002
Registered with the Australian Sports Pony Registry Reg No 10303 (Elite)
ACE Group DE435350257002
Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia Reg No PWS-2434
Progeny may also be eligible Part Arabian and Australian Pony Stud Book
Don Philino had an outstanding performance record in Germany prior to his
import and he continued that success in Australia
Champion & Premium Stallion - 30 day stallion performance test scoring 8.77 which is still among the highest 30 day test scores for German Riding Ponies.
Silver Medal Bundeschampionate for 3 yo Dressage Ponies.
Finalist Bundeschampionate for 4 yo Dressage Ponies.
Gold Medal Bundeschampionate for Carriage Driving Ponies.
Finalist Bundeschampionate for 5 yo Dressage Ponies ridden by a 14 yo.
Various wins and places in open dressage and jumping classes.
Invited to perform in Masterclass with Micheal Schmidt and chosen as the guest rider mount
1st place in Elementary at Swan Valley DA
Invited to perform in Masterclass with Christoph Hess
Placed in every Elementary test he competed in
Travelled to Equitana, Melbourne to perform in displays
Wins and places at Medium and Advanced level
Trained FEI with established piaffe and passage

Don Philino’s progeny are enjoying success in Europe with wins and places in dressage, jumping and cross country events. His 4 yo son Don Peppino (Don Philino/ Diskus) not only qualified for the Bundeschampionate in 2011, he also became a finalist. Don Peppino has inherited his sire’s amazing temperament and movement, and scored 9.5 for his walk in the first round with a total score of 8.33 to gain himself a place in the finals.
Don Philino’s Australian progeny are also having success in breed shows with many his progeny winning Champions and Reserve Champion titles. Many have also had success with wins and places in show hunter, eventing, dressage and pony club.
A Don Philino son was the 2014 Pony Champion of Champions at the Autumn Dressage Festival in WA. Don Philino has several progeny with wins and places at State Championship level dressage in both pony and open classes.
A junior rider was awarded the highest percentage test score of all Young Riders at the 2015 WA State Dressage Championships on board a Don Philino son.
Another son placed in the 2015 Dressage Festival and qualified for the Dressage with the Stars in 2016 and 2017. He was awarded Champion 4 yo Young Pony with a young rider. His progeny in Australia and Germany have too many successes to mention.
Breeders and owners report that his progeny have exceptional temperaments and they present at their first outing as if they have been out many times before. They are easily ridden by children and small adults even as green breakers.
Don Philino carried the sabino gene which can help foals inherit more bling. He has been successfully crossed with pony and warmblood mares and he passes on his compact and excellent pony type. He has also been successfully crossed with thoroughbred mares to produce a compact, more leggy version of himself.
There is always something to love about the special characters of the Don Philino progeny.
Sire - Dressman I was a very successful dressage pony and was the first pony ever to win the prestigious Bundeschampionate four years running.
He was the winner of the European Dressage Championships as well as three times German Pony Champion and the winner of his stallion licensing and 30 day test. He has over 30 licensed sons and 35 state premium daughters.
Dressman I is now retired in Germany. He is known for producing extremely rideable offspring, which is a quality that Don Philino has inherited with abundance.

Dam - St. Pr. St Philine is a State Premium Mare and has produced among others, the mare Philina who was champion of the county show in Aurich-Thannenhausen 2007 and qualified for the Bundeschampionate and the Elite Mare Show in Weser Ems, all at the age of three.
Philine's sire is the Hannoverian stallion Luxor. Luxor is by the Hannoverian stallion Lungau, who has produced an abundance of competition horses in Germany, including the international dressage horses Leonardo and Dugal. Lungau also presents in the bloodlines of Anky Van Grunsven's Salinero.